Bless This Horse - Halter Tag - $10 special

"God bless and protect this special horse"
Of all the things we do for our horses, praying a blessing over them might be one of the most important. There is a particular sweetness in asking the Creator to bless and protect a horse special to you — and Him.
Now you can commemorate that prayer with a halter or bridle tag.
It's a beautiful silent witness.
Beautiful 1.25 inch halter tag with a durable stainless steel core.
Permanent color. (Much nicer than aluminum "rabies" tags)
Comes with a ring. Made in U.S.A.
Normal price is $12.99. Special price until January 1 on in-stock tags is $10
Choose the color below. Add to cart. Then you can choose the quantity of that color.
"Continue shopping" to buy a second or third color or other items.
Also ask about bulk pricing for ministries, rescues, etc. and the Ambassador package.
When you checkout there's a "notes" box where you can send me a message.
P.S. We offer personalized tags at $19.99 each. - delivery takes 2-3 weeks.